Friday, March 9, 2012

The accident

On the 13th of December Ike had an accident at school. While going down the slide at school someone else got a little excited to go down as well and pushed him off the slide. When I got the call from school, they said Ike was screaming and holding his arm, and wouldn't let anyone look at it. Apparently, he was in a lot of pain and couldn't move his arm even to take his coat off. I got the girls loaded in the van and hurried as fast as I could. I called Ben on the way, and he said to make sure I could look at it before I took him to the doctor. When I got to school sure enough, Ike had been crying, his hands were clasped together and he wouldn't move. He wouldn't let me or anyone lift up his coat to see what was wrong. I just told him we would go home and I would see what we could do to help him feel better. At this point, I had no idea what was wrong. On the way to the car, he kept crying and when we finally got all the kids in the car to go home, he cried over every bump in the road. I got home, thankfully it is only about a 7 minute drive, and got the girls in. By the time I got the girls in the house, Ike had somehow managed to pull his arm out of the sleeve of his coat. I very gently pulled up his sleeve and revealed a very, very broken and bent arm. I knew it was broken but didn't know how bad until later. I told him to stay in the car, and luckily my sweet sister-in-law was home, so I ran over to her house, she said she would watch two of my girls. I ran back home, only to find that Ike had gotten out of the car and was sitting on a chair in the kitchen. He was still crying, and I said we need to go to the doctor. We went to insta care first, only to be sent to the ER,where the X-ray showed two broken bones. One completely broke, the other with a large crack. They ended up sedating him and setting the bones. We were hoping from there it would heal but, two weeks later the X-rays showed the bones had moved considerably and they would heal quite crooked if left alone. The doctor ended up doing surgery placing two pins in his arm to hold the bones together. Since then it has been a slow process. He has had a sling, three splint casts, a red cast, a glow in the dark cast, a camouflage cast,and a nice looking brace that acts like a cast. This next week will be three months since the accident. He goes back to the Doctor and hopefully his bones will show good signs of healing and he can begin to do normal kid things again. He hasn't been able to jump,run, swing, slide, ride his bike, or even play the piano (although he hasn't missed that of course)and he is anxious. We are just grateful that it happened in the winter instead of summer. It will be something he probably won't forget for a long time, and instead of hanging upside down we might see him more right side up.

1 comment:

McEntire Family said...

Poor dude! That is a long time to be out of commission! Hope all goes well from here!